Preparing for Waxing Moon Phase and Mindful Coloring

What is a bhavana?

Bhavana Practice

Sutra II.33 vitarka-badhane-pratipaksa-bhavanam;

When disturbed by negative thoughts, in the distress that stems from doubt, cultivate an alternative mental attitude, cultivate positive thoughts. This is a powerful tool to help clarify what we truly wants.

What would your perfect future look like?

Bhavana can be used to meditate upon improving image, life, relations, career.

1. First Question- Where are you now? Where do you want to be?

2. Now that you have your bhavana in mind, think of 3 habits (samskaras) that are not propelling you towards it

Sutra I.18; virama-pratyaya-abhyasa-purvah-samskara-sesah-anyah;

all activities and disruptions in the mind have ceased yet traces of past experiences remain

*Old patterns and conditions(samskaras) have not quite disappeared. There are still traces of them, or they may be present as residual consequences of previous actions, though no longer causing any disturbance.

List 3 habits (samskaras) that are not propelling you towards your intention/dream/wish/goal......

*_________________________________________________________________ *_________________________________________________________________ *_________________________________________________________________

3. Let’s Bhavanize!

Bhavana tips…

Yoga Sutra II.34 Reflection on the opposite will end suffering. the ability to meditate upon an alternative reality/viewpoint.

Present tense; speak as if your ideal scenario is currently happening, imagine you are writing a letter to a friend describing a day in your life Be specific;

Bhavanize (visualize/meditate) once per day, no longer than 5-10 minutes,

Visualize every conceivable detail Concrete; put yourself in the picture, use your five senses, choose realistic details.

Positive; use affirming phrases to describe the scenario, remember your potential is limitless, feel the emotion in the experience

My Bhavana Statement (Intention); ______________________________________________

I do/ I can…. I say….. My day looks like… In 1 year (2,5,10)....

Make a table, graph or a list including.....

  1. First column or list: "I do/ I can" ......Ex; wake up w/out alarm
  2. Second column or list: "Things I say to self or out loud"... Ex: I get to help people everyday
  3. Third column or list: "My day/night looks like".....Ex: Flexible schedule on my terms..
  4. Fourth column or list: "In one year.."(in 2 years, 5 years. 10 years, etc...Ex: I have a series of best selling books…

4. Based on your Bhavana (goal, wish, desire), what deliberate steps will take you in that direction......Use your coloring pages to help your creativity and freedom to come alive! Work on this throughout you waxing moon period.

Dark Moon-Reflect, just be, release into the dark moon energy with self care and renewal.

New Moon-Begin to dream and create.

Waxing Moon-Take steps to create and bring bhavana to life!

Full Moon- Enjoy the manifestations and the steps you have taken!

Waning moon-Reflect on what worked and what didn't work. Let go all that didn't happen or didn't work, slowing down, gratitude for what is currently.

For more detailed directions on manifesting through specific phases scroll to bottom.


Bhavana and Concept-The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

Coloring Pages- Moon Magic Coloring Book. Tap Into Your Mystical Potential. Chartwell Books.

Articles to support healing benefits of coloring;

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