Dark Moon Yoga

Dark Moon Magick playlist can be found on Spotify @ nattycatty; https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4AzqOnqCcANQocXZUdurB9

I also like to use use gentle music with gentle instruments like the flute, bowls, chimes, soft drums, water sounds, birds depending on the theme.

Nourishing Tonic Tea Blend;


Sweet Love Heart Blend Tea;


Sugars I like to use with my herbal blends when Im not sipping them raw are;

Jaggery, maple syrup, honey (never heat up honey, add it to drink when you are able to dip finger w/out having to remove it due to too hot), date syrup, coconut sugar.

Milks I like to use are; A2 whole milk, coconut milk, almond milk, cashew milk.

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