Grandmother Moon Mantra

Grandmother Moon Mantra

Om: The primordial sound of creation

Cham: to eat, consume, pure, clean, grand

Chandra: Moon, the Lunar Deity, bright, shining, glittering, illustrious

Namaha: I bow to you,

Grandmother Moon I bow to you, Grandmother Moon I bow (2X)

Om Cham Chandraya Namaha-Slow- (4X)

Om Cham Chandraya Namaha-Slow- (8X)

Grandmother Moon I bow to you, Grandmother Moon I bow (2X)

Om Cham Chandraya Namaha-Fast- (8X)

Om Cham Chandraya Namaha-Slow- (8X)

(Meaning: This mantra calls us back into perspective when life becomes confusing and helps us see things more clearly. Sharpens our intellect, calms our nervous system to restore balance and equanimity.

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