Alters Set Up
Here's an example of one of my chakra alters, Muladhara, I put together. :) Be creatine, let spirit guide. This is a sacred space, there is no right or wrong choices. You dont need everything on your alter. Pick what calls to you. :) Blessing. <3
Root Alter Possibilities-
Red cloth or gold cloth to cover sacred space in area, patterns of earth or squares
Option to use natural surface such as water, stone representing earth,
Crystals, such as garnet, hematite, bloodstone, stone, carnelian, red jasper, and earth, rocks collected from earth
Red or gold candle
Symbols/Statues/Photos related to Earth, Saturn, Ganesha, Brahma, Dakini, Earth Goddesses
Small plants, red flowers, gold flowers, herbs
Photos of outdoor scenes, beauties of the Earth
Incense/oil of sandalwood, vetiver, bergamont, patchouli, cedarwood, rosewood, pine
Affirmations/intentions/prayers/goals/dreams; I am, I am safe, I am secure, I have all that I need and more,
Instruments; gourds, rattles, rocks, sticks, note of C, frequency of the planet Earth
Note- whenever items from earth are collected, be sure to share an offering back to the earth, such as tobacco cornmeal, or even touching the earth and offering a prayer or a Reiki symbol or a song to share thanks and gratitude.
Sacral Alter Possibilities-
Orange cloth to cover sacred space and area, cloth patterns of curvy lines or moons/crescent moons
Collecting shells, sand, and ocean/river objects
Cups or chalice and offering water inside
Lotus flowers and orange flowers
Crystal such as coral, carnelian, red jasper, jade adventurine, fire opal, emerald. moonstone, aquamarine
Orange candle
Photos that give you a sense of pleasure, sculptures of watery scenes, your beloved, water animals
Incense/oil; Ylang ylang, rose, orange, coriander, gardenia, jasmine
Affirmations/ intentions/prayers/goals/dreams; I feel my thoughts, desires, emotions, I flow harmoniously, I am in the flow of life, I am able to surrender to my fears
Instruments; the ocean drum, rain sticks, crystal bowl, watery gong, note of D, The D planet Venus and moon frequency
Note- whenever items from the beach are collected be sure to share an offering back to ocean such as tobacco, cornmeal, or even touching the sand, the water and offering a prayer or a song to share with gratitude.
Navel Alter Possibilities-
Yellow fabrics or gold, patterns related to the sun, triangular shapes, fire
Mandalas/symbols/statues/photos of the sun, sunrise/sunset, fire pit, volcano, mars, Leo, Lions, God Mangala, Goddess Durga, God Rudra, Goddess Lakini, Goddess Sehkmet
Yellow/gold or red candle, ghee lamp, salt lamps
Gold, gold charms, gold jewelry
Crystal such as topaz, yellow, tourmaline, emerald, sapphire, citrine
Yellow flowers
Photos that give you a sense of energy
Incense/oil; peppermint, ginger, black pepper, citrus,
Instruments; buffalo drum, drums, gongs, note of E, fire crackling sounds, frequency of mars, sun
Affirmations/intentions/prayers/goals/dreams; I do, I can, I am strong, I am centered, I am determined, I am powerful, I am brave, I am focused, I am strong enough to follow through, my power radiates from my being
Heart Alter Possibilities-
Green cloth fabric, heart shapes patterns, 6 pointed star and star patterns, bird patterns, leaves and feather patterns
Fans, bird feathers and collected items that blew in the wind
Crystals such as Paredot, pink topaz, pink or lavender kunz,ite, rhodonite, watermelon tourmaline, rose quartz, green adventuring rhodocrosite,
Photos that make your heart feel good and those that you hold dear, those that are examples of compassion in the world
green candle
Mandala/symbols/statues/sculptures/photos related to Venus, god Pan goddess Quan Yin, god Ishvara, Goddess Kakini, flying creatures and birds esp dove
Incense/ oils of cedarwood, rose, sandalwood, mellisa, neroli
Instuments; wind sounds, chimes, leave sticks, wind wand, note of F, nature sounds of leaves rustling, wind blowing, frequency if venus, 528 love Htz, Quan Yin mantra/song
Affirmations/intentions/prayers/goals/dreams; I love, I am willing to love everything about me, I trust and love, I open my heart to love, I open myself to the healing powers of my heart
Note- if collecting items from the earth, please offer back tobacco, cornmeal, seeds, herbs, or place hands to groud and say a prayer or chant or sing in reverence
Throat Alter Possibilities-
Blue cloth, cloth of creative patterns, patterns of the circles or dots within the fabric
Photos representing space, stars, planets
Crystals such as blue topaz, yellow, topaz, sapphire, emerald, clear quartz, rose quartz, turquoise, gem silica, chrysocolla
Mandala/symbol/statue/sculpture/photo of planet mercury/Hermes/Thoth/Djetahuti, Saraswati, Sadasiva, Sakini
Photos and items that represent your creations, and elephants as they are amazing communicators (they use nicknames for eachother!)
Blue flowers
Incense/oils of chamomile, orange, rosemary, lavender
Affirmations/ intentions/prayers/goal/ dreams; I speak, I am able and willing to speak my truth, I am able to hear the voice of my soul, I am able to celebrate the beauty in my life, I am flowing with the current of universal energy
Instruments; bells, metal singing bowls, metal forks, note of G, sounds of space, humming, frequency of mercury and Saraswati
Third Eye(First Eye) Alter Possibilities-
Indigo colored cloth, Rainbow colors since this is the chakra of all all things, patterns of rainbows
Crystals; diamonds, Herkimer diamond, sapphire, emerald, lapis lazuli
Essential oils/ incense of clarely sage, lavender, lemon, frankincense, basil, and holy basil
Mandalas/symbols/statues/sculptures/photos related to Jupiter (the guru), eye of Horus, o owls and the butterfly, 2 petaled lotus, God Shiva, Goddess Shakti Hakini, snakes, Buddha and Christ, Dreams, spirit animals
Dark blue flowers
Affirmations/intentions/prayers/goals/dreams; I see, I am seeing and thinking clearly, I trust my inter voice, I am united with the vibration of the infinite, I listen to the deep and eternal wisdom that resides within me
Instruments; the Harp, Note of A, frequency of Jupiter and shiva/shakti
Crown Alter Possibilities-
This alter can be very simple. It symbolizes the universal consciousness
White cloth, white flowers, white candle or ghee lamp
A mirror to represent the divinity within you
Crystals are celestite, blue sapphire, , Chercharoite, sugilite/luvulite, clear quartz, amethyst,
Essential oils/ incense are frankincense, Myrrh, lavender, ylang ylang, rosewood, Linden or lime blossom, Waterlilly or lotus
God/goddesses; Shiva, Shakti (Parvati)
Photo/charm of a lightning bolt that comes out of Shiva's head to destroy ignorance
Affirmations/intentions/ prayers/goals/dreams; I understand, I am divinely protected and guided, I am open to the goodness and abundance of the universe, I go beyond the limiting beliefs and accept myself totally, I acknowledge that the source of love is within me