Herbs, Spices and Foods of the Great Elements and 7 Chakra Realms

Recipes For the Chakras

Root Soup Chakra Recipe;

Ingredients- one cup chopped red potato, one cup chopped turnip, one cup chopped sweet potato or yam, one cup chopped carrot, one bunch of leafy greens (kale spinach or turnips) 1/4 cup chopped ginger, 1/4 cup chopped turmeric, 1/4 cup burdock root, 1/2 cup chopped onion, 1/2 cup chopped pepper, CCF spice blend, 1/4 tsp tumeric, one canned coconut milk, one can tomato sauce, salt, cayenne pepper to taste, olive oil, 6 cups of water/or stock

Directions- Add oil to a large pot, add any spices to activate prana, add onions and peppers and stir, cook until almost soft/translucent, add root vegetables, stir gently. Add water/broth, coconut milk, tomato sauce, mix and bring to boil, cook until root vegetables are soft. season w/ salt and pepper to taste, enjoy!

Sacral BBQ Carrots Chakra Recipe;

Ingredients- 10 to 12 rainbow carrots i favailable, 1/2 cup yellow bell pepper chopped, 1/2 cup orange bell pepper chopped, 1/2 cup red onion chopped, 2 to 3 garlic cloves chopped, one cup of tomato sauce, one tablespoon of molasses, one teaspoon of honey, 1 tablespoon vinegar, 1 tablespoon olive oil, garlic powder, chili powder, cayenne pepper, CCF blend, 1/4 tsp tumeric,

Directions- peel and wash carrots, cut them in half, chop peppers onions and garlic, Add olive oil to pan, add spices to activate prana, add onions and garlic and let cook for two minutes, add peppers and carrots and mix, add anything else that calls to you, let cook until carrots are soft, Season w/ salt and pepper, squeeze w/ lemon or lime. Enjoy!

Solar Cooling Broussel Salad Recipe 

Enjoy this link and cook w/ Laura Plumb! https://www.instagram.com/p/C2IID8dxlaF

Beet and Carrot Heart Juice

Ingredients- three beets, six carrots, three red apples, three stocks of celery, one piece of raw ginger, a bunch of cilantro

Directions- wash and peel all ingredients, cut everything into pieces, add to juicer, add some water to dilute the juice if needed, add a squuze of lime juice, drink and enjoy!

Curry Vegetables for the Throat

Ingredients- two carrots, one cup of green cabbage, one cup red cabbage, one half cup onion, 1/2 cup of green or red peppers, one cup sweet potatoes or yams, one cup of kale or mustard greens, one cup of coconut milk, one half cup of ginger root, one half cup of turmeric root, curry seasoning, CCF spice,

Directions- wash all vegetables, peel potatoes and carrots, chop the onion, add spices to a pot with oil to let prana activate, add carrots, onions and potatoes and cook for 3 to 5 minutes, and cabbage, chopped peppers, kale, ginger and turmeric root and stir, and water/broth to steam and let cook until soft. Add coconut milk, season w/ salt and pepper to taste. Enjoy!

Third Eye Power Drink

Ingredients- two bananas, 1/2 cup of goji berries (soak in water if dried), one half cup of chia seeds, 1/2 cup coconut shredded/powdered, 2 tablespoons of spirelina powder, 2 tablespoons Maca powder, one cup pineapples, one cup blueberries, one cup blackberries, one cup mango, one cup apple(peeled), 1/4 or 1/2 tsp ginger powder and cinnamon powder, 2 to 3 cups of water or coconut water

Directions- wash the fruit, peel the banana, mangoes, and apple, discard the seeds and chop the fruit, add the fruit to blender, add herbs and seeds and other items you feel your body is calling for, add water, Optional to add 1/4 cup or so of A2 yogurt, blend all ingredients, Enjoy in middle day or snack after lunch.

Crown Spirit Bath

Intro-A spiritual bath is made by adding natural elements like herbs, flowers, oils, crystals, etc., to water and then charging it with your words of power or prayers, make this bath mix in a natural container whether metal wood or glass, make enough to last for three days and if you like use a portion of the bath on yourself for the next three days

Ingredients- white flower petals, lavender flower petals, florida or rose water or both, white sage leaves, frankincense oil, lavender oil, clear quartz or amethyst crystals,

Directions-mix the dry ingredients together in a bowl, tear the flower petals in small pieces to release the energy within them, crush the sage leaves and lavender flowers with your hands and pray for what you want or hold gratitude/devotion while you do this, add the rose water or florida water, then add spring or distilled water to the bowl, add the oils last, mix everything together while saying a prayer, or chanting, or singing, let the bath sit for 30 minutes or more before using the spiritual bath after you shower, use a small bowl or a cup to pour the spirit water over you, start at your head and work your way down, make sure to cover every part of your body, relax, maybe relax in caldlelite and gentle sounds or frequencies like the moon, journal after you bathe if you like, blessed be!

Books and Food Sites

An Ayurvedic Cookbook to Balance and Heal by Laura Plumb


Ayurvedic Cooking for Self Healing by Dr Vasant Lad


Revitalize Your Chakras by Kajara Nebthet


Joyfull Belly Website


food.a.love.story on IG


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