Post-Journal Check In

Questions to visit after creative practices; yoga movement, dance and music, cooking, etc..;

Taking as much or as little time as wanted, ponder these questions. What comes up for you? What emotions, feelings, judgement, negative self talk, etc. Please allow your inner witness to explore and allow the inner critique to kindly take a back seat. If a traumatic event is triggered, breath deeply and exhale through the mouth with noise and maybe even a forward fold or side twist. Maybe even shake and tone to release. If it feels right share a moment with experience and say thanks for teaching me more about me and I release you now.

Root Chakra- How do I feel safe in my life?

Sacral Chakra-Where can I be more creative and energetic in my life?

Solar Plexus Chakra-Where do I feel confident in my life?

Heart Chakra-How do I show myself love?

Throat Chakra-How in my life am I speaking my truth?

Third Eye Chakra-Do I trust myself?

Crown Chakra-Do I believe in something higher than myself?

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