Full Moon Closing Prayer and Homework

I apologize for the mistake of saying waxing moon instead of waning moon. The next section will share "waning moon" preparations as the waning moon follows the full moon. Oooops!!!

Full moon practices to go deeper;

  1. Full moon bathing or full moon evening walk to absorb soma.
  2. Dive into creative expression; art, jewelry making, make a movie, create a playlist, fashion, cooking, gardening.
  3. Go out into nature and observe Lakshmi in all things
  4. Be active; sing, dance, yoga, jogging, move your body, continue to celebrate and enjoy life!
  5. Attend a drum circle or create a drum circle. Powerful!
  6. Charge your water with Soma moon nectar, charge it with a beautiful affirmation and drink it with mindfulness.
  7. Journal about any of the above or reflecting on the full moon course. Journaling can be a form of meditation.

Thank you for spending time with me and investing in me. I am truly grateful!

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